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How Honey gets its Natural Flavors

 How Honey gets its Natural Flavors


Honey comes in variety of flavors and aromas, but all honey that you buy in the market need not have a natural flavor as many add synthetic flavors to get the desired kind of Honey. To understand in dept how honey naturally gets its taste, let’s go through the process of how honey is made.

How Honeybees produce Honey?

Honeybees collect sweet sugary nectar and pollen from the flowers when they are in full bloom. They carry the nectar in their stomachs which gets converted into honey over a period of time where the proteins and enzymes are mixed with the nectar. This honey made is now stored by honeybee in the wax combs till it gets filled completely.

Once the comb is filled, the honeybee fans the comb to reduce moisture content from the honey this is how it gets its think consistency which we all enjoy. Honeybee then seals the comb with wax and repeats the procedure all over again.

The flowers that honeybee gets the nectar from decides the flavor and other qualities of honey. The variety of honey we usually get in the market are Eucalyptus, Ajwain, lichi, Acacia ,Alfafa, Basswood, Buckwheat, Chestnut, Clover and many more.

Varieties of Honey


Let’s have a look at how different the honey is from each other according to their flavor.

Acacia Honey

This honey is known to be best in taste because of its sweet flavor and mild floral taste. The honey is made from blossoms of Robinia pseudoacacia. Acacia honey is light color and remains liquid for a longer period of time because of its high fructose content.

It is best for diabetic people and has many therapeutic effects as it cleanses the liver and regulated the intestine.


Forest Honey

Forest honey or Wildflower Honey is made from blossoms of undefined plants and trees. The color and taste may vary drastically according to the region and depends on the mix of seasonal flowers. This honey is in its most natural form as it is collected by the bees from serene and untouched nature.

Eucalyptus Honey

Eucalyptus is known for its age old medicinal values, so is the honey procured out of it. Made from the flowers of Eucalyptus globulus it has a herbal flavor with a hint of menthol which may not be pleasing to many. This honey acts as anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant and antiseptic. It is used against cough and severe cold. Being a natural sweetener it can spice up your tea making it healthier.


Ajwain Honey


A very rare kind of honey as flowers of Ajowan caraway blossom for a very small period of time. It carries a strong flavor and smell if it is purely made of ajwain flowers. This herbal honey is darker in color than other honey and has numerous benefits. It is good for digestion, effective on cough & cold and best for weight loss.


Coriander Honey

            A very unique variety of honey as it is made from tiny flowers of coriander, nectar of which only smaller bees can collect. The Honey is a best cure for constipation, flatulence and ulcers. Made from the flowers of coriandrum sativum the honey has a fresh taste and is very rarely found.

Chestnut Honey

The amber colored Honey is made from the nectar of chestnut tree flowers. It is a popular variety of honey, especially in Italy. It has a mildly sweet flavor and a unique aroma. Some of its varieties are known to taste bitter but it is best for diabetics due to its low Glycemic index.


These are some popular varieties of honey which have great medicinal values because they inherit their benefits from their source without any adulteration. 

if you are a fan of Honey you would love these exciting products made out of it. visit www.thehoneyshopindia.com 

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